Top 10 Story Books for Kids to Teach Empathy

On most evenings, you climb into bed together with your kids and begin to read stories for them. These moments spend with your kids are precious, but you must understand that reading for kids isn’t only about creating good bonds with them as a parent. It’s also about having conversations with the children about empathy, generosity, and inclusion. Now, empathy may seem like an abstract idea to explain to your small child. let’s Best Story Books for Kids. However, it is not.

When your kids were very small, they might have comforted you when they sensed you were sad. Have you ever examined how? Well, even toddlers seem to be naturally inclined to empathetic situations. Then why not growing up kids can learn about empathy? A recent Wall Street Journal article says, reading books that model empathy can help kids become more empathetic.

Let’s Understand Why Empathy is Important in Kids

You may already have heard about empathy. In simple terms, empathy is the ability to understand what others are experiencing or feeling, which often people call putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. When kids start interacting with other children, building an understanding of what others are feeling is imperative.

Indeed, at the early stages of their life, children will not have the capability to understand and empathize with situations. Most of the parents believe that empathy is something that we are born with. But it is entirely wrong knowledge. Empathy is a skill that must be taught to kids during their early ages. It promotes social harmony and can reduce the likelihood of bullying. Additionally, it encourages tolerance and acceptance of others.

So, What’s the Best Way to Teach Kids About Empathy?

The straightforward answer to this question is that it is not that easy to teach kids about empathy. However, specific ways can instill and inspire empathy in kids. The most powerful yet simple approach is through storytelling or storybooks. Countless storybooks offer beautiful lessons about acceptance, kindness, empathy, and compassion. While selecting the books for your kids, ensure to choose storybooks that sparks a conversation about what it means to be empathetic and compassionate.

Following is a list of 10 storybooks for kids to teach empathy, perfect for kids between 3 and 10 years.

⦁ Come with Me

by Holly M. McGhee, illustrated by Pascal Lemaitre

Compared to stories of adults, children love stories characterizing kids. The book “Come with Me” is an excellent story about a little girl who thinks about making the world a better place to live. When this little girl raises the question about making the world better, her father gets astonished. To inspire the little girl, the father takes her out for a walk in the city, greeting everyone along the way with a kind smile. The little girl is much inspired by her parents’ regard for the world. After learning the first lesson of kindness and compassion, she invites the boy in her neighborhood to come outside and walk the dog with her.
It is a small act of kindness and compassion towards other people in the world. But it is sure to instill empathy and compassion in your kid. So, consider buying this book for your children.

⦁ What’s Wrong with Timmy? – Story Books for Kids

by Maria Shriver, illustrated by Sandra Speidel

If not all, some kids behave weirdly when they see or come across physically disabled people. Although it is not purposefully, it hurts the person or kid with a disability. The book “What’s Wrong with Timmy?” rightly defines all the thoughts and concerns children have when they encounter physically or mentally challenged people. Apart from a beautiful story, the book teaches kids lessons about why it is essential to respect people regardless of how they look and act.

The story begins with a little girl entering the playground and noticing a kid who looks different from others. The little boy’s leg is bent inward, and his face is flatter. The girl is curious to understand why that little boy looks different. Initially, she hesitates to play with the kid. But once she has a conversation with her mother, and understands about people with disabilities. At the end of the story, she is comfortable interacting with that little kid.

When you buy such books for your kids, they too will start to interact with everyone, despite how they behave and look due to physical and mental illness.

⦁ Wonder

by R. J. Palacio

The book “Wonder” characterizes a 10-year-old kid named August (Auggie) Pullman. He looks different from other kids as he has facial differences. This defect has prevented him from going to a mainstream school similar as other kids of his age. But he has made his mind to attend 5th grade at Beecher Prep. His likes and dislikes match with others of his, but not the looks. The story revolves around convincing his classmates that he is a normal kid, despite his looks.

When you buy such storybooks for your kids, you kids may raise many questions about such situations. In such a way, they get used to them and understand what others are experiencing or feeling.

⦁ The Invisible Boy

By Trudy Ludwig, Illustrated by Patrice Barton

When you hear the book’s name, you may correlate with the movie “Invisible Man.” Well, this book explains the journey of a boy named Brian and his struggle in school. Although Brain is the same as other kids, he is often unnoticed by others in the school. That’s the reason the writer has chosen the name “Invisible Boy.” When it comes to kickball or birthday party or any other event, Brain is the only one left out. The story takes a new turn when a boy named Justin, similar to Brain, joins the school. With the company of Justin, Brain finally starts feeling more visible.

Nature and behavior differ from one kid to another. So, always buy such books to make kids understand that we must never judge anyone because of their behavior or looks.

⦁ Amazing Grace – Story Books for Kids

By Mary Hoffman, Illustrated by Caroline Binch

The story features a girl named Grace. She is a person who loves stories and tries to enact exciting characters in the stories she reads or listens. One day, Grace’s teacher informs that they are going to play Peter Pan in the school. Once Grace hears of Peter Pan, she finalized the character she wants to play. It is not anyone, but Peter Pan itself. Her classmates get to know this and tell her that the role does not fit her as it’s a boy’s name and she’s black. Grace is highly disappointed with this and loses her confidence to enact the role of Peter Pan.

During the school days, kids must be taught how to gain confidence and not lose hope. This is what is taught in the story by Grace’s mother. With specific facts, Grace’s mother tries to help her overcome this challenge and regain confidence. The story “Amazing Grace” best describes how kids can gain confidence and become optimistic.

⦁ Through Grandpa’s Eyes – Story Books for Kids

By Patricia MacLachlan, Illustrated by Deborah Kogan Ray

Many people are born blind by birth. Indeed, it does not have to do anything with their happiness. The story “Through Grandpa’s Eyes” takes us on a journey of a grandfather who is blind. A boy named John often visits his grandfather to help him enjoy things from a new perspective. So, it best suits the title of the book, which says through grandpa’s eyes. John is the eye for his grandfather, and he enjoys experiencing the unusual ways Grandpa sees the world with his eyes closed. The book teaches kids that life is filled with happiness and fun. It only depends on how you see things.


By Kevin Henkes

When you hear of this book, you may wonder what it means. Well, Chrysanthemum is the name of a little girl, who is the main character of the story. Chrysanthemum used to love her name as its unique. But when she joins the school, she starts hating her name. Most of her friends find her name funny and lengthy. And, her friends often make jokes about the same.

She finally decides to change her name. But the whole story takes a new turn when a special music teacher enters the story. The teacher tells the students that she is planning to keep the name Chrysanthemum for her new-born baby. This small instance changes the little girl’s mind, and she is happy with her name.
Kids have different thoughts about names and its meaning. Maybe even your kids are having the same ideas that this tiny girl in the story had. This story can completely change that thought. Consider buying this book for your kid.


By Kathryn Otoshi

Kids have very little experience living in this world. So, their thoughts and feelings can quickly change based on others. It is what is tried to showcase in the story using colors. In This story books, Red takes the stand that it is better than all other colors as it is the most used one. When One comes along and stands up to Red, the thoughts and beliefs change. The story tries to show that force and fear can change the opinions of kids. It teaches kids how to avoid standing up against negativity and intimidation.

⦁ The Wall

By Eve Bunting, Illustrated by Ronald Himler

On a trip to Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C., a dad and a son try to find the boy’s grandfather’s name, who sacrificed his life for the country in 1967 war. Their search for the name finally ends when they come across the kid’s grandfather’s name. Seeing this, others in the place also try to understand the people who sacrificed their lives for the country. The story teaches about the importance of sacrifice and igniting positive thoughts in others. Let your kids read this story and understand what sacrifice means. The Wall is one of the best Story Books for Kids

⦁ The Hundred Dresses

By Eleanor Estes, Illustrated by Louis Slobodkin

The story characterized many little girls attending the same school. Wanda, the main character of the story, always wears the same blue dress to school but says that she has a hundred dresses at home. Initially, most of the girls believe that. But, when she continues wearing the same dress for a more extended period, they make fun of her by saying that she is lying. Maddie, who also teases Wanda, wonders whether she has hundred beautiful dresses at home. Everyone learns the truth about the one hundred dresses until Wanda doesn’t show up to school and leaves the city.

In Summary

As a modern parent, you may be highly concerned about raising your child with good characteristics in this fast-moving world. Story books are the best way to do this. Do enough research before choosing the book for your child. Always ensure that the stories bring positivity in them and teach them something new. The list of Story books mentioned in this piece of writing are sure to help your kids learn empathy.