Top Celebrities Who Has Lab Grown Diamonds Rings

lab grown diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds look the same as natural diamonds. It is usually grown from a single seed of diamond. Lab-grown diamonds are considered to be the latest trend due to many factors. Lab diamonds are grown faster than mined diamonds. And so not only celebrities but also common people and influencers prefer such diamonds. Often people have confusion regarding man-made diamonds and natural diamonds. Here are some of the factors that may help you to know every detail about lab-created diamonds.

Why should you choose Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Lab diamonds must be chosen anytime over natural or mined diamonds due to many factors. They are:

  • No mining is needed for lab grown diamonds, and so it is considered to be environment friendly. People who prefer a sustainable environment must buy lab diamonds.
  • Lab diamonds can be bought at excellent value. It is more affordable as compared to natural diamonds. It also comes with great quality.
  • Lab diamonds look the same as natural diamonds. The beauty and the properties are quite similar. Only a diamond expert will be able to identify the difference between the natural and the man-made diamond with the help of specific tools.
  • It can be moulded into various shapes according to the customer’s demands, and the quality remains the same.

Top 3 celebrities who are having Lab-Grown diamond

Various celebrities prefer lab diamonds over natural diamonds. However, the top 3 celebrities who the paparazzi clicked with their lab diamonds are:

  • Bindi Irwin
  • Camila Mendes
  • Nikki Reed

Are Lab-grown Diamonds Certified?

A diamond certificate refers to a document that a third-party lab provides to describe the characteristics of a diamond. The lab is not responsible for the sale of the diamond. It rates the diamond completely based on merit. All lab-created diamonds are certified. The certificate consists of clarity, cut, weight, colour, and many other details of the diamond. Each lab categorizes the diamonds differently. Hence, you need to clarify which certificates are reliable enough to trust. IGI is considered to be the best certification for lab-grown diamonds due to their proper categorization.

Lab-grown diamond or Mined diamond – Which is better as engagement rings?

Lab diamonds portray the same physical characteristics as that of a natural diamond. It is nearly impossible to differentiate between a mined diamond and a lab diamond using a jewellery loupe. Still, it can be differentiated only through various tests with the help of specialized instruments. Another important factor with the help of which you can identify a lab-created diamond is that it comes with a gem certificate that describes the diamond as laboratory-grown.

Natural diamonds take several years to grow, whereas lab-created diamonds can be grown in just a few weeks. Lab-created diamonds, when resold, will make you earn a few dollars, but natural diamonds, when sold, can make you earn 50% of the original price of the diamond. There is a slight difference in the cost price of both types of diamonds. Natural or mined diamonds are costlier as compared to man-made diamonds. Hence, lab-created diamonds can easily be used as engagement rings.