10 health benefits of walking

What are 10 health benefits of walking? For me it’s a question of personal preference. I’ll answer it from the standpoint of my own family. My mother is a very fast-paced Type B personality. She walks with quick steps, jumps from chairs to tables, and generally has a lot of energy. My father, on the other hand, is much more of a slower walker – but still walks briskly as if he’s racing. It is easy to see that walking provides many health benefits, even if you don’t run or walk. This is because walking actually burns more calories at a faster rate. The more you do it, the faster your body will burn those calories. When you are walking at a faster pace, you can actually expect to lose one to two pounds per week. You can start seeing these benefits of walking.

health benefits of walking

So, what are 10 benefits of walking? Well, since my mother and father both love to walk, it stands to reason that they can share some valuable insight. Let’s start with mother. What happens when you walk too much, particularly on a daily basis?

What happens if you run on a treadmill for too long? What happens if you walk fast but then take a break and fast again? What happens when you eat too many calories at one time? These are all factors that affect how your body burns calories.

Now, let’s talk about my father. He told me that his metabolism was actually quite good, given the amount of walking he did. But he also admitted that he did need to eat more, which explains why he was often overweight. His explanation? That walking time was the only time he could burn off his extra calories.

So, what are 10 benefits of walking? You increase your metabolism. You strengthen your heart. You lower your blood pressure. You improve your gait.


It is easy to see that walking provides many health benefits, even if you don’t run or walk. This is because walking actually burns more calories at a faster rate. The more you do it, the faster your body will burn those calories. When you are walking at a faster pace, you can actually expect to lose one to two pounds per week.

When you think about it, walking is a lot of fun. It provides so many benefits. That’s why it is very important to add this activity to your daily routine. And one of the best ways to get in your own daily 10 steps is to start walking.

If you want to add some more benefits of walking to your weekly routine, why not take walking tips from someone who has walked a lot to better you? How would they benefit from it? Well, you could listen to them and try to incorporate at least some of what they are saying into your life. Walking is definitely one of the best things that you can do for yourself. Why not add it to your lifestyle? You will be happy you did.

What are some things that you would like to improve on your life? If you want to become more organized, then why not try walking more or organizing things around your house a little more efficiently. This can also help you get to where you need to go more quickly, which would like make things a lot easier for you in general.

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Another of the benefits that you could gain from walking is to become a better listener. This one may seem a little silly to some people, but if you think about it, a lot of people would like to be more helpful to others when they can. It would help them feel like they are helping the other person rather than just talking. It can really show in your face how much you truly care about others. And walking can really help you show your caring through your actions.

Do you get tired from walking fast all the time? If so, then it may be time to do something else other than walk all the time. If you walk often, then it might be time to consider taking up another hobby to occupy your time. This can help you be more productive and you can even get some exercise while you are at it too. There are so many ways that you can get your walking into a hobby, so look into it.

These are just a few of the many benefits of walking. Why not take a look at the ones that are listed here today? See if there is a way that you can incorporate this in your daily life. Maybe you can’t put together a walking routine all the time, but you can add in small bits here and there. Whatever you do, make sure that you keep walking regularly so that you can start seeing these benefits of walking. If you don’t put this in your life now, then it will be much harder for you to see them in the future.

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