Making Money Online: The Ideal Second Income You Can Create

Making money online has become a source of second income to majority of internet users. The Internet has made tens of thousands of millionaires. It’s so easy to make money online now that age isn’t a factor any more. You don’t have to wait till you’re 60 to quit your 8 – 5 job comfortably. In fact, there are 19-year old kids who are already earning loads of cash because of the Internet.

You don’t need to be a computer wizard, and you don’t need a Yale MBA. All you need is a computer, access to the Internet, and a small time commitment each week. Your potential earnings will depend on your motivation and the amount of time you can commit per week.

So, instead of relying on a low-paying job where you’re required to work 8+ hour days and sometimes 7- day weeks, why not consider boosting your income by making money online? You’ll more than likely find that you’ll be able to earn a considerable amount of income because your online income will sooner or later start exceeding your salary.

Ways To Make Money Online

There are three different proven methods of making money online. Find the method that interests you, and if you’re serious about creating a second source of income, purchase the recommended products and start generating your second income.

Method # 1: Promote Affiliate Products

Making money online selling someone else’s product

In this method you are going to:

  • Find a NEED by researching regularly searched keyword phrases on the net,
  • Find a product which meets that need and which offers a commission,
  • Sign up as an affiliate / reseller for that product,
  • Refer people to the “supplier site” by advertising the product using the keyword phrases previously selected. You will be advertising, through Pay-Per-Click programs, on Google AdwordsYahoo! Advertising or Facebook. You can also promote affiliate products on your Website (see Method # 2).
  • You get paid your commission each time someone who you referred makes a purchase.

This process can be compared to placing adverts in a newspaper, except that instead of paying one time fee for the advert, you will be paying every time someone clicks on your advert, hence the term ‘Pay-Per-Click’.

The goodness of this method is that:

  • You don’t need to learn any technical skills.
  • You don’t need to have your own website.
  • The quickest and easiest method of generating an income online.


  • You will need a cashflow to pay for advertising.
  • You will be generating income but not necessarily creating an ongoing online business.
  • You will need to carefully monitor the effectiveness of your ad campaigns to ensure you are not spending more on advertising than you are receiving in revenue.

1. Sitesell’s Affiliate Masters Course e-book: This Masters Course shows you how to venture into the world of affiliate marketing. Whether you are new to affiliate marketing or you have been doing it for a while, this Masters Course will teach you how to do it more successful.

All the information you will require to get started and run your affiliate business is included in this one single course. And the good news is that it’s FREE!

2. Wordtracker: Is by far the best research tool to discover niche markets which you can advertise to. You no longer have to guess which markets are the most lucrative online. Use this tool to establish exactly how many people searched for a particular keyword phrase in the last 2 months. It even suggests related searches.

3. Once you’ve identified a NEED, next you need to find the best place to find solutions (products & services) with commissions. You can go to ClickBank , eBay or Amazon. However, there are very many websites that offer affiliate programs that you can join and start promoting their products and services. Do your research first.

4. Yahoo! AdvertisingGoogle Adwords or Facebook: Is the place to go once you’re ready to place your adverts for the products or services you want to sell to the target market you’ve identified. Here you can decide how much your advertising budget will be, how often to display your adverts, and where in the pecking order it should appear.

[The affiliate program which pays 100% commission.]

Method # 2: Build Content Rich Website(s)

Making money online selling advertising space

The idea behind this method is to offer free valuable information from your web site(s) focused on very specific niche markets to pull in high volumes of traffic. Once you’ve achieved that, advertisers would pay you to display their advertisements on your site. Also revenue will be generated through pay-per-click partnership programs such as Google’s AdSense program, infolink, AdBrite and other carefully selected Affiliate Programs.

This is what you’ll go about implementing this method:

  • Identify a target market to build a site for. You will build a web site that has content and information all about your chosen topic and you will make money by running Google AdSense ads and other affiliate ads on your web pages. This method is usually the result of someone’s hobby or passion, so the process of building the of site(s) is fun and enjoyable.
  • Register a domain name and setup web hosting for your new site.
  • Do keyword research for your target market. You will use keyword research tools to build a huge list of keywords and phrases that are being searched for by Internet users when looking for information related to your target market.
  • You will write (or have a ghost-writer write for you) some articles related to your target market.
  • Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) methods (tools) for getting your new pages indexed quickly by the search engines and to generate loads of traffic.
  • Once you’ve created content rich pages and as your traffic starts to increase considerable, you will want to place ads on your pages so that you can earn money every time someone clicks on one of these ads.

Should you Blog or build a Website?

Website Building

1. SBI!: This is the only all-in-1 step-by-step system of process-and-software that will enable you to start and run a thriving online business. When you purchase SBI! no other purchase is necessary. You will receive all the important online tools required. In fact all the technical stuff is already taken care of. All that is remaining is your knowledge, attitude and motivation).


2. Google’s AdSense

3. Infolink

4. AdBrite

5. Affiliate Programs such as ClickBankCommission Junction, etc.

Method # 3: Promote/Sell Your Own Product(s)

Making money online selling your own Info Product(s)

In this method you are creating your very own information product(s) in the form of a downloadable eBook, audio programs or instructional DVD’s and selling them online (on your website) using your own marketing efforts as well as those of affiliates who will sell on your behalf.

The process is very similar to the process for Method # 2, except that you will create your own product(s) and then write a powerful sales letter for each product.

The most difficult part of this method is the product development. The time commitment is significantly more than other strategies and if you are looking for quick results, this is not the way to go.

  • Website Building: Refer to Method # 2
  • How to become an Infropreneur.
  • Making money online selling Hard Goods.
  • Making money online selling a Service.
  • Making Money online through Network Marketing.


The best long term process for making money online is to adopt all three online methods.

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