7 reasons why you shouldn’t skip an eye test

eye test

There are a lot of reasons why people skip eye test. Some think that their eyes are safe, some fear the cost of these tests and others are just lazy. But, if you are skipping on those appointments, you are putting more at risk than you think. Annual eye exams are crucial to detect and treat eye-related issues while they are still at an early stage. If you think that eye tests only give you updates regarding your eyes, you are wrong. A basic eye exam can give you insights into your general health. Here are 7 common reasons why you should not put off eye exams. 

1. Vision problems are not loud

Your eyes are not going to tell you when something is bothering them. You will have to decode the cues yourself to understand what they are really trying to say.

However, most of us are either unaware or too careless to look for these signals. So, an eye test becomes even more crucial to detect the presence of any vision-threatening issue that might be developing without your notice. 

Not only this, some severe eye conditions may pop up out of the blue without showing any signs or symptoms. Eye tests allow your doctor to check and diagnose problems such as glaucoma or macular degeneration that may slip from human attention. 

Detecting these problems at an early stage and using prescription glasses can prevent your eyesight from getting worse. 

2. Vision is an important aspect of your life

There are so many things we must thank our eyes for. If it was not for them, we wouldn’t be able to do most of the tasks on our own. 

Thus, it is safe to say that vision is the most important aspect of anybody’s life. Whether you are on the road or playing sports, your eyes help to keep you and those around you safe. So, if anything bad happens to them, your quality of life will drop significantly as well. 

3. Your eye health keeps changing

When your physical health doesn’t always remain the same, why should it be any different with your eyes? 

You are not always going to enjoy the perfect vision you were born with. And in this digital world, avoiding eye problems has become next to impossible. Sometimes your age will take a toll on your eyes, other times your lifestyle will get the best of them.  

But, it doesn’t mean that you can’t preserve your natural eyesight. Eating healthy foods and using protective glasses can prevent eye problems. For instance, if you indulge in heavy screen time, buy computer glasses online to prevent digital eye strain and other visual symptoms. 

4. Your prescription will change too

Just like the natural state of your eyes, your eye prescription will keep on changing as well. Usually, it will happen every two years but the frequency may change based on any other eye condition you have. 

And if your prescription changes and you keep using the same glasses, it would be bad for your eyes. Although it may not lead to further vision decline, it will give you blurry vision and your eyes will wear out only after focusing a little bit. 

So, take an eye test and if you find that your prescription has indeed changed, get new glasses. Get same-day glasses so you don’t have to wear your old specs for too long. 

5. It’s not always about the eyes

Like we mentioned earlier, an eye test is not only the window to your eye health. There are some serious health ailments that could be detected in a comprehensive eye exam. 

Here are the problems that your eye doctor may notice:

  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Certain cancers

6. Natural vision loss

When you approach 40, you will start to sense a decline in your near vision. Doing close-up tasks would leave your eyes in pain and you would think about what could possibly be wrong.

However, this problem is natural and would happen to us all (mainly in our 40s). This situation is known as presbyopia in which your eye lens becomes rigid giving you poor near vision. 

All you need is a pair of reading glasses to enhance your visual field and give you clear near vision. You can get affordable reading glasses for women and men at online eyewear stores. Since these glasses don’t need a prescription, you can buy them online. 

7. Some eye conditions are asymptomatic

Eye conditions such as glaucoma could only be detected at an early stage via a comprehensive eye exam. These conditions don’t present with symptoms until they get too ugly. And when you do notice them, it’s already too late.

So, make sure you get regular eye exams so these severe problems don’t skip your attention. If you feel something unusual in your eyes or vision, speak with an eye doctor about the problem.

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