Kareo vs NueMD Find the Superlative EHR


Kareo EMR is a very popular EHR software that has been around for quite a while. This software is software made by Kareo, which is a tech giant existing within North America. This software is very popular and is used by over 100,000 people in North America alone. While on the other hand NueMD is also just as popular and has been used for years by hundreds of medical practices across North America. 

Both these EHR software allow you to streamline your processes at your medical practice considerably. This means you will be able to focus on your practice and patients instead of having to focus all your energies solely on managerial issues. With both these EHRs, you are able to do so. In this piece, we will tell you about Kareo EMR and NueMD to help you come to a conclusion about which of these two EHRs might be the right choice for you and your medical practice. 

Features of Kareo EHR

User Interactive Dashboard Functions EHR

The first feature in Kareo EMR we want to talk about is the dashboard feature. This software has a great dashboard that helps you to reduce the amount of time it takes to execute functions. This dashboard feature helps you switch through different features very easily. The dashboard helps you to complete tasks much easier too and also reduces the time it takes you to get used to the software. This is because the dashboard is the main feature you should get used to and it is quite easy to master and hence the learning curve for this software for you is greatly reduced. 

e-Prescriptions for your Convenience 

The e-prescription feature in Kareo EMR also allows you to make things simple both for you and your patients. This is because you are able to make prescriptions virtually on the software. The software also warns you about any unwanted drug interactions you should be avoiding and as a result keeps you and your patient safe. The software also allows for patients to pick up their prescriptions directly from the pharmacy instead of having to come into your practice first to pick up their prescription paper. This helps save time and reduces the time taken between making a prescription and taking it. 

Patient Portal for Ease of Use Kareo EHR

The patient portal feature is another great feature that helps you to make things easier on both ends. The patient portal helps you to reduce the amount of work you have to do on your own. This is because patients can log in and take care of miscellaneous tasks related to their treatment with you. Patients can schedule their own appointments, look at their own billing, and much more. All of this leads to a reduction in your daily to-do list which is very helpful for you and your practice.  This not only helps you to save time but also to make things more streamlined and convenient for your patients. 

Features of NueMD EHR

Secure Messaging for Patient Security 

Patient security at any medical practice is of the utmost importance. This is not just because of the HIPAA but also because a patient should feel safe in their information being safe with you and your staff. With NueMD EHR, your patients can access a patient portal feature remotely so that they can talk to you. This allows patients to send messages when it is beyond office hours for you and gives you the flexibility to respond later. The software helps you have a better and much safer communication stream with your patients which all in all, helps you to make things much more streamlined and convenient for everyone involved. 

Calendar Scheduling made Easy

Much like Kareo EMR, the scheduling feature in NueMD is also wonderful. This feature allows you a lot of benefits. This is because, with this feature, you are easily able to optimize your day-to-day performance. With the scheduling feature in NueMD, you can essentially schedule as many patients in a day as possible. This means you are also increasing your revenue. This feature allows you to see more patients per day which is incredibly helpful. With efficient scheduling, more patients are inducted into your practice. Which helps make things easier for you. So, your patients as more of them are accommodated per day.

Final Verdict; Kareo or NueMD EHR

Now if you are wondering whether we recommend Kareo EHR to you or perhaps NueMD, then we cannot come to a conclusion for you. However, we can help you to reach your own conclusion about the software.

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We suggest you read as many reviews for the EHR as possible to know whether the software is well-liked by its users. User reviews are a great way to know about the prowess of software and whether it is worth buying. We also suggest you ask the vendor for a demo or a trial of the software to figure out whether or not the software will be right for you. Getting a demo or a trial will greatly help you in reaching a final decision in whether Kareo EMR or NueMD would be the right software for you.

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